Simantel can help you capture success — and leads — with Captello's event platform

If events of any size are part of your marketing strategy, you need a way to capture and save information from every person you meet AND follow-up with them post-event in an effective and efficient way.

Susan Urbanek

As a Captello partner, Simantel can help you create an experience for any event that will capture good data, flag viable leads and track participation as part of the customer journey. Whether you’re looking for a turn-key or customized solution, we can equip your team with a solution that can:

  • Collect data securely — no more stacks of business cards to keep track of!
  • Gamify event attendance and participation, making the experience with your brand more memorable
  • Integrate with your CRM and send hot leads directly to your sales team
  • Provide the data that will prove the ROI for your event participation

Still Have Questions?

We’ve got answers to some of the most commons questions we hear from brands looking to improve the ROI of their event marketing:

An intentional event lead capture strategy is a pivotal tool for measuring and proving the ROI of events. An event lead capture solution benefits your brand by:

• Gathering essential attendee information, preferences and engagement levels.

• Enabling timely and personalized follow-ups, increasing conversion rates.

• Providing quantifiable metrics to assess the impact of events on sales and business objectives.

• Increasing brand exposure and awareness through targeted interactions.

• Informing data-driven decisions, allowing for continuous improvement of event and marketing efforts.

Our goal is to help you create a seamless, engaging experience for your event. We’ll work with you to create a solution that fits your event needs. Pre-event, we’ll help determine things like number of form variations and follow up emails. We’ll even train your team on the lead capture platform to set you up for success. Post event, we’ll provide reporting to help quantify your event ROI. Oh, and we can also come to your event if you’d like extra on-site support.

Captello offers a suite of event lead capture tools that streamline the lead collection process and provide valuable insights into event performance. With features such as customizable lead capture forms, badge scanning capabilities, and real-time lead tracking, businesses can easily capture and qualify leads, resulting in higher conversion rates. As a Captello partner, Simantel can help you get the most from the solution, based on your individual goals.

Ready to take your events to the next level?

Complete the form below and let's schedule a demo. We’ll showcase how Captello can redefine your approach to event lead generation and transform your event ROI.

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