We’re thrilled to kick off the new year announcing Simantel’s latest endeavor – a podcast we’re calling, “Marketing Sweats: Real-life accounts from hard-working pros.”

If you’re in the business of marketing like we are, you’ve certainly experienced the “sweat” we all put into the game. Our work is equally as challenging as it is exhilarating, but staying inspired by new ideas is what helps us keep up.

As one of three partners here at Simantel, I’ve worked for more than 15 years helping organizations solve business and marketing problems – and my favorite part of my job has always been (and will always be) having amazing conversations about where things are today and where they can go. But, in all my time (regardless of the task at hand) one thing has held true: It takes a lot of grit, bravery, curiosity – and let’s be honest – “fight” to make really amazing things happen.

So that got me thinking…I’ve had the chance to interact with some really unbelievable marketers. Some have been employees, some have been clients and others have just been super-smart industry experts in other companies or agencies.

That’s why we thought a podcast might help.

First, we know our clients love to learn. And they continually tell us that one of the best ways they learn is by spending time with their agency partners. So we thought a podcast would help provide inspiration on a broader scale, even when we don’t have the chance to meet face-to-face.

Second, learning from other marketers is sometimes the best way. Look, we’re all busy. Those few inspiring conferences a year aren’t enough. Reading that book list can be time-consuming. But a podcast on the way to work is a great way to keep up and get excited for the day. That’s why we’re interviewing the clients and industry gurus and delivering it directly to you. No travel cost, no conference fees…just straight information. And, by the way, these folks are pretty smart. Their stories need to be shared. Simple as that.

Finally, we think people are pretty interesting. That’s why we focus on building customer experiences in the first place. That said, we rarely talk about the marketer’s experience getting to those great outcomes. Our podcast will allow our marketing friends to speak candidly not only about their day jobs, but also their own leadership and professional journeys – even their secrets and failures.

Season One Is Here

We have some great interviews in store for you beginning with our first episode with the one-and-only celebrity spokesperson, Mike Rowe. He shares insights about what it looks like to be truly authentic in marketing. Some key themes he shares include:

Mike Rowe

  • Using “funny” in marketing
  • Staying the course vs. being willing to pivot
  • Why being a brand “fan” is the real secret sauce
  • Leveraging an engaged audience when buying paid media
  • Micro vs. macro brand marketing
  • And even a little about his latest endeavors, “The Way I Heard It” and “Mike Rowe My Life”

Keep checking MarketingSweats.com for new episodes of season one and make sure you subscribe to get notifications when new episodes are live. In season one you’ll hear from marketing executives at Ingersoll Rand, Ameren, Knapheide Manufacturing, LG Seeds and many more.

So there you have it. I hope you’ll take a listen and get inspired. And finally – as with any new show – we’re still working out the kinks. Send us feedback, give us a review and tell us what you want to hear! We’re all ears.

That’s all for now, folks… move on over to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher or Podbean and get to listening. And go to MarketingSweats.com for all the extras.