In her 12 years at Simantel, our Director of Experience Strategy Sara Ingles has poured her creativity into many projects – first as an intern, then as an art director before moving on to lead the experience strategy team. But there is one project that stands out in Sara’s mind, where she challenged the status quo and made a risky recommendation to a client – and it proved to her that sometimes, real magic happens when you have the confidence to take a risk.

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One of Sara’s favorite things about her job is when she’s able to push the boundaries of parameters she’s given just enough to come up with something truly unique. A creative thinker in all that she does, she is also gifted with the unique ability to harness both empathy and proven strategy to paint a clear picture of customer needs. And it is this rare combination of characteristics that has allowed her to soar on so many projects for her clients.

Listen in as Sara tells the story of her proudest moment at Simantel – when she came up with the idea for, then co-directed, Caterpillar’s Dozer Pride rap video. As she narrates her story, you’ll hear how she gained the confidence to present a risky recommendation to a client who typically takes a more conservative approach. Sara details the process of brainstorming and testing the idea internally, pitching it to the client, and nervously waiting in silence for their reaction. Clearly her idea impressed not only the client, but their customer base too. The idea was approved, the shoot took place, and the video was produced – and then took off like wildfire. To this day, it continues to get engagement by the audience that it resonated so deeply with more than six years ago.

To hear more, head over to and check out our very special Season 6 where you can hear a full interview with Sara and other Simantelites as they share their Point of Pride in celebration of our 40ish anniversary.