As Marketing and Brand Director, Alicia Ruemelin, has spent the past six and a half years building Simantel’s brand and driving in new business. She has been passionate about our brand since she first hired into the agency and has become an expert at expressing the unique culture that makes Simantel “Simantel.” It was for these reasons and many others that made her the perfect person to plan our 40(ish) anniversary celebration, Ish Fest, in the fall of 2022.

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In her story, you’ll hear Alicia’s telling of how Ish Fest came to be, from start to finish. She takes us back to the generation of leaders who defined Simantel’s voice and culture, and she explains how that voice has been carried on even years after their departure as new employees join and the agency grows in size. Alicia goes on to give us a behind the scenes look at all the details that go into planning and executing a marketing agency’s big celebration and talks about what the whole experience meant to her.

But as rewarding as it was to plan this event and see it come to life, Alicia’s proudest moment actually wasn’t the party itself. It was the way those in attendance got to experience Simantel’s culture brought to life. Comments from attendees about the way the party was executed, the atmosphere combined with the well-thought-out decorations and features that were just so… Simantel. It was such a true manifestation of Simantel’s “ish” culture that had been seamlessly carried on by new and tenured employees alike. And the fact that she got to have such a hand in bringing everything to life for our closest clients and employees was a feeling that will be hard to top.

To hear more, head over to and check out our very special Season 6 where you can hear a full interview with Alicia and other Simantelites as they share their Point of Pride in celebration of our 40ish anniversary. Learn more about Alicia.