Content Audit TemplateIf you’re looking to improve the performance of your existing content and figure out what’s working for you, this Content Audit Template is a good place to start. But be warned, it is a spreadsheet. When it comes to the SEO of your content, relevance is key. And we would argue that improving your existing content is a better place to start than generating more content that may not be resonating. By going through this exercise, you might uncover old content that needs to be taken down, existing content that can be improved or even uncover new content opportunities to build on what’s working.

To use this tool, you need to set aside a good amount of time to focus on this. You’ll see there are two parts to this exercise. First, you need to collect inventory on all of your live content along with the items being crawled by search engines (like meta and H1’s). Only then can you complete the audit portion of this exercise. The analysis you include in the audit portion is where you will measure against priorities and goals, tracking any necessary changes. If you are unsure of how to collect the inventory, contact us and we can guide you through how to pull this information together.

If you’re interested in this Content Audit Template tool, you might also be interested in downloading the Customer Journey Map, Message Matrix, Content Framework, Empathy Map and Content Tracker Template.