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Mining Through the Ages
A humorous look at what Cat® Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) for mining could’ve done for humankind throughout history generated buzz…and awards.
See how Honeywell took a complex topic like safety and used video to simplify their message about a new product.
Many brands miss the opportunity to leverage a milestone in their content strategy. Here’s how one company did it – and very successfully!
We traveled to Munich to exchange ideas and check out industry tech.
Caterpillar’s MINExpo exhibit wins E.X.C.I.T.E Award for environmental design.
Simantel and Caterpillar named “Best Trade Show Exhibit” at the 2013 EX Awards…
Congratulations to Caterpillar for being nominated for the Mining Magazine Awards!
The strategy behind developing the Caterpillar MINExpo 2012 exhibit…